Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bookmarks for Dummies - CraftTestDummies

Last week I met with Jenny Rohrs ( to have a "play date." We ate spicy soup for lunch and afterwards sat outside to make some soggy wet crafts (making fabric paper).
My mission for the day was to create something as a base to use for some simple gifts to send out to my guests for the Artist's Way Women's Retreat I am facilitating in September. Jenny had an idea she wanted to share with me - bookmarks, using fabric paper as the artistic focus.
I came away with our meeting with ink-stained hands, mild sunburn on my back, a strong sense of inspiration and some pretty nice fabric paper samples.
I've pictured here a sampling of the bookmarks it took me a few days to finish assembling at home (it's tough to find time when juggling job searching with freelance... and of course mommy duties).
I'm looking forward to sending out the bookmarks to my Retreat guests, along with their final information mailers. Today is the day!
I look forward to posting another project in here, making use of the dried paper towels we used to clean our paint-soaked hands. I want to bring back to life a craft I invented back in college (stay tuned). Looking forward to sending Jenny a sample as a thank you for her generous time and friendship.


Jenny said...

They turned out beautifully! I actually posted about our playdate, too, with a quick how-to for folks who may want to try the technique themselves. And you should see what goodies I've packed up for you, for your next session of fabric paper!
Jenny at

kramer said...

Very cool. Keep up the good work!